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From Reading and Dreaming, to Working and Making That Shit Happen.

Writer: Roxy MatthewsRoxy Matthews

Anthologies. A word many do not know. The non-reader has no idea. The reader may or may not have stumbled upon one. The writer is supposed to know, but I'm ashamed to admit I didn't for the first decade of my writing career.

Truthfully, I stumbled upon my first, the Beyond The Dark anthology, in a local second hand book store where I picked it mainly because of the teal color of the cover.

Nothing like confirming the need for an amazing cover in my industry. *Eyeroll*

Anyways, said copy, not only opened my eyes to shorter stories and new writers but turned my eyes onto one my all time favorite authors, Von Jocks. Her paranormal romance story, Haunt Me, blew me away. A story that I remember to this day. Amazing.

Since reading that anthology, being inundated with so many stories by so many talented new writers I'd never heard of, not only did my eyes open to new voices aside from Dean Koontz and Stephen King, but it also sent a yearning to my author soul. I wanted to be in an anthology. I would never stop until I did.

And that was when I realized the wonderful world of Novellas.

Before that first teal anthology in the used book store, I'd only read or wrote full length novels. After all, that's what the big names in the Top 5 did.

But looking that far ahead was keeping me from seeing the path to get there. My name, my stories. If I found someone that amazing from one anthology piece, even going so far as to buy every book, online and off, with her name on it, why couldn't I be someone's 'Von Jocks'? To this day, Von Jocks holds second place in my library collection. First, is the talented Sharon Sala who I own close to 80 titles of.

So, I spent years writing, learning, failing, and perfecting my craft until I was finally confident enough in my ability for short, emotionally driven work and I entered my first anthology.

When that email came saying 'Congratulations for being selected as a participant' I was so excited, so overwhelmed and nervous I didn't see the red flags as they started to emerge weeks and months later. I'd risked it all, spending cash I didn't have to secure the seat. But all I saw was that it was where I wanted to be and nothing in life is smooth or perfect.

Sadly, my dream of anthology fame lit from one corner, spread until nothing was left but the ashes of my lost cash.

Sigh. Sniffle. That's when 'stay in your pj's, no shower, your hair in some nasty messy bun while you berate your stupidity out loud for two days' mode kicked in. When I was done being mad, sad, hurt, and beat down, I forced myself back to work. After all, if I let one downfall in my writing career take me down, I'd have never gotten past the first month. Now, almost twenty years later, this was just another groove carved into my wooden desk.

So, back to work I went. Learning, writing, and trying again until I hit pay-dirt...Naughty Nights Press Valentine's Day Anthology.

Of course, I was terrified that yet again my dreams would be hampered by others beyond my control. The task would not be an easy one, especially trying to rein in my multi-genre ways for pure romance, but I pushed forward anyway and stepped out of my comfort zone. What came of it was a story I am proud of. I do feel there is more to this story, and may one day revisit these characters, but only time will tell. For now, I am just pleased that I achieved one of my writing goals and that was getting my name and my story into an anthology.

I give you, Perfect Stranger in the Sweeter Than Chocolate: A Valentine's Day Anthology LIVE TODAY!!

Check out the anthology here...

Check out my author interview for Perfect Stranger here...




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